Saturday, August 25, 2007

Mansion Threatens a National Treasure, by Philip Koch

From the cape Cod Times, Friday, August 24, 2007, p. A10.

To the Editor:

It was with great interest and even greater dismay that I read your recent article on
the new mansion threatening the undeveloped land adjoining Edward Hopper's
former painting studio in Truro, MA.

More than any other single 20th century painter Edward Hopper's work imbedded
itself in the American psyche. So much of who we are and how we feel has been
shaped by this solitary painter of lonely spaces and dazzling sunlight. We owe
him a great debt.

If there is any meaning to the phrase "national treasure" it would have to include the
setting of the Hopper studio. To allow this new mansion to be build there would
be short sighted in the extreme.


Philip Koch
Professor of Fine Art
Maryland Institute College of Art

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