Saturday, August 25, 2007

Mission Statement: Save The Hopper House and Landscape

Mission Statement

Save the Hopper House and Landscape

Since the Pilgrims landed here at Provincetown the Edward Hopper Landscape has existed in its present state. In 1933 The Edward Hopper House, that contained his studio, has brooded alone over the landscape, much as Hopper himself did during his time here. The 805 square foot Studio house, the only home that Hopper ever owned, has remained unchanged, sentinel guarding the whole of the hilltop landscape.

That Studio and the attendant landscape are now in grave danger of being lost to development. We are committed to saving this priceless heritage of one of our most famous artists and the landscape that contains the subject matter of so many of his paintings, The Camel’s Hump, The Jenness House, and Rooms by he Sea to name but a few . Our efforts are to halt any further development across the top of the Hopper Landscape and to save the Hopper House

No further despoiling of the landscape.

Anton Schiffenhaus

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